

I heart Eric. He is one of the ugliest men I know. He's 6 ft something, dark hair, big brown eyes, megawatt smile, you get the picture. His heinous appearance aside though, he's actually incredibly funny. Not funny as in slapstick. Funny as in witty. He's intelligent and he uses his intelligence in his humour, which I find just brilliant. I hope you enjoy hearing his thoughts as much as I do...
Pic courtesy of Pepper Ingham

Organised sound. It's everywhere. In everything. It soothes. It heals. It provokes emotions. It adds to a visual. It sparks memories. I could go on forever... and I will!!

Everything that's happened in my life thus far has a soundtrack attached to it. I'm positive I'm not alone on this one. Music's effects are both obvious and subliminal.

I'll never forget my 4th birthday. Mum and dad bought me a drum kit (idiots!!) and I bashed them 'til they were broken. My blisters were like flesh wounds because I'd continually play the opening drum beat of the Twisted Sister's tune "We're not gonna take it" (me: you MUST look at the hilarious 80s video clip for this HERE). It was the best "toy" I'd ever owned. Mum was stoked as it meant her pots and pans were now safe.

That drum kit taught me rhythm. A skill that would later help me a lot in life, even in my career as a sports person. And now, I'm completely obsessed with music. I must admit that in some ways that isn't always a positive thing. I've been out at night and a great song will come on and suddenly that's all I can think about. The Queen herself could be telling me about a three day bender she went on with Jim Morrison and it just wouldn't matter. In actual fact, I'd be dirty on her for gas bagging and ruining my moment... the old bag... (If you're reading this Queen... sorry... but seriously... stop talking during a cool song)...

Only in the last decade have I been brutally honest with my music taste. I don't care if it's not cool to like a song (me: true, Eric carves up the d-floor to Tik Tok by Ke$ha) after all, we are not the boss of our ears!! (me: clearly, or you would tell them you fucking hate Ke$ha and I would tell mine I hate Bieber). They like what they like. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in a world so full of hate and plastic values, we need to make time to immerse ourselves in something that consumes us for the better!

At a time when nobody is sure of what's around the corner for us (and for our planet for that matter) now more than ever we need to be able to press the pause button on the mayhem in our lives and "live in the moment" (me: Carpe Diem kids). Take the time to shut your eyes and feel your favourite song. It's great for the soul and paints masterpieces in our minds.

Sting says that when he shuts his eyes and listens to pieces from Bach and Beethoven, he sees enormous architectural structures of fantastic complexity. Keith Richards says that he believes every piece of music is already out there in the universe and, as songwriters, we just reach out and borrow them. Personally, I see unexplainable shapes and colours that no words in our vocabulary could possibly begin to explain (me: did you take acid at the same time?). All I know is that I don't feel right if I haven't heard it each day.

So tune out and tune in people, music is therapy for the soul. Below, in no particular order (me: actually they are Eric, I put them in alphabetical order according to track title, because I'm anal like that), are five older songs out of thousands of other amazing songs that I've been listening to lately. Turn 'em up loud!!

1. Ants in the kitchen - Masters Of Reality
2. Diamonds and Pearls - Prince
3. Love in an elevator - Aerosmith
4. Love will find a way - Yes
5. Ramble on - Led Zeppelin

Here's a kick ass track by Eric's band, Shinobi...

And here's some funny stuff he did for The Matty Johns Show last year...


  1. Great Piece - very talented
    Here is a very small list of my favs:
    1) Heaven coming Down - The Tea Party / Jeff Martin
    2) I Alone - Live
    3) Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
    4) Sweet Salvation - The Cult
    5) All Cried Out - Allure

  2. Eric Grothe. The talent he harbours is ridiculous. Like E, my passion is music. Music is essential to life. It allows, and sometimes makes you feel. Music can even be cathartic. Every single experience abided in life, has music associated with it. Sitting alone in a room with only my keyboard is the most content I can be. It provides an ever so important release, that only music can offer.
    These five songs are a few i can't stop listening to lately:

    40 Day Dream - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
    Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley
    Novocaine - Michael Paynter
    Waiting - City And Colour
    Pots And Pans - The Kills

    Feel free to have a listen.
