

Okay I know what you're thinking. Another detox? Sara you failed miserably when you set out to attempt 100 days of detox (off the booze), why set yourself up to fail again?

Well, long story short, I'm not going to fail. Why?

For starters, this time I have motivation. In a few weeks I'm optimistic it's going to be warm enough to hop, skip and jump down to Bondi Beach and jump into those crystal blue waves. The dilemma? Traditionally to jump into the water, you're required to slip into something that closely resembles a bra and undies. Resembles? Who am I kidding? I have bras and undies that cover more flesh than my swimwear! So upon realising this on the weekend, I decided I needed to shed what we women call "winter weight" and shape the hell up! Some girls take to pinning up inspirational pics on their mirrors/walls. Me? I know my body and I know what it looks like at its best, that's what I want it to look like, not someone else's.

The other reason I know this is going to work? I'm not going without. You see, the reason I think I fail at detox is because I decide to go cold turkey. This self-designed diet is being fair to me, fair to my body, and it's achievable. The idea of never having something again is what forces you to give up. You want something so badly that you throw the towel in on the whole lot. best I get into my rules at this point...

1. No gluten - Why? Because deep down I know my daily exercise/activity does not require a substantial amount of carbs for energy. I sit at a desk for eight hours and do pilates when I get the time. (Yes, Elixr, I hope you appreciate my $120 a month donation.)

2. No meat - I've done this often. It's not a moral issue for me. I don't associate the slab of veal on my plate with a calf named Molly roaming in a grassy green field. For me, I associate it with bloating (much like the above)! Your body works so fricken' hard to digest meat and mine certainly feels it. I'm allowing myself seafood as it's much lighter, works well with my body, it's a source of protein, and I love it.

3. No obvious fats or sugar - Now this is a sketchy one. I use the word "obvious" because I'm not completely clued up when it comes to what is in which foods. So by saying this, I mean those that scream out, "Eat me and I'm going straight to your ass/thighs..." Yes, lollies, chocolates, ice-cream, excessive amounts of cheese, anything deep fried etc. This comes down to common sense for me. I'll still use a splash of oil if I'm cooking or what not.

Now, my favourite part. The exceptions! I love an exception to the rule, and as I've said, I believe this is what's going to make this little escapade work.

I get one cheat day per week. This means I can eat whatever I like, one day a week, should I choose to. I should add here, I LOVE CARBS. I don't feel like I've eaten a meal unless I've had carbs. Carbs for me are like meat for a male - they make the meal! So this is the most challenging part. I'm pretty adamant I'm going to stick to no meat even on cheat day, but knowing that one day a week I get to have toast, pasta, and mashed potato (my favourite carbs!) is what's going enable me to go without for the other six days.

The other allowance is that I get two nights per week to indulge in alcohol. For some that still may seem excessive, but in my profession, I assure you it's not! This week alone I have the launch of a Mexican restaurant (Tues), a venue's birthday (Weds), a magazine party (Thurs), and then a trip to the snow (Fri and Sat), so to cut my booze sessions from five to two per week is still a big change in my habits. And that's what this is about. Making some small (achievable!) changes to my dieting habits.

Bear in mind, I'm not a nutritionist. I've decided on these rules because after having so many messages thrown at us about good food, bad foods and superfoods, I'm choosing to apply those that have resonated with me. Each to their own, right? I'm going to post my daily menu on twitter because documenting it is going to keep me honest. Wish me luck :)

Oh PS. Must give a shout out to my buddies Heath and Dom for inspiring me...


  1. Good luck Sarah! That sounds very balanced and healthy :) Good for you! Keep us updated!! :) xxx

  2. so how did you go with the detox?
