

I treated my darling girlfriend Lisa-Shae to dinner at Luke Mangan's restaurant Glass Brasserie at The Hilton this week. It's a place I really should have been to by now ('cause you know, I'm a serious foodie, or so I think). Have you picked up on my love of food yet? I should have named this blog "in the words of someone who loves food".

Anyway, we ordered entrees and share dishes. I'll tell you why, and I'm sure I'm not alone here. I can't eat all that much, so give me a big main meal and I'm full. And what have I experienced? One dish. Mmm not good enough. But by ordering multiple entrees and/or share dishes you get to taste a multitude of dishes and a truckload of flavours! If you're budget conscious that's why tapas restaurants are great. If you like to splurge you can't go past a degustation, but allow a few hours to indulge if you choose that path.

At Glass Brasserie we ordered the smorgasbord of small dishes, two of which included spring bay scallop with xo sauce, tofu and pork scratchings (left) and tempura zucchini with ricotta and anchovy (right) which I felt compelled to photograph...

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