

I treated my darling girlfriend Lisa-Shae to dinner at Luke Mangan's restaurant Glass Brasserie at The Hilton this week. It's a place I really should have been to by now ('cause you know, I'm a serious foodie, or so I think). Have you picked up on my love of food yet? I should have named this blog "in the words of someone who loves food".

Anyway, we ordered entrees and share dishes. I'll tell you why, and I'm sure I'm not alone here. I can't eat all that much, so give me a big main meal and I'm full. And what have I experienced? One dish. Mmm not good enough. But by ordering multiple entrees and/or share dishes you get to taste a multitude of dishes and a truckload of flavours! If you're budget conscious that's why tapas restaurants are great. If you like to splurge you can't go past a degustation, but allow a few hours to indulge if you choose that path.

At Glass Brasserie we ordered the smorgasbord of small dishes, two of which included spring bay scallop with xo sauce, tofu and pork scratchings (left) and tempura zucchini with ricotta and anchovy (right) which I felt compelled to photograph...



Four years ago I attended a Veurve Clicquot event with Jess and Chris. Here's a pic from that very night...

It was just an ordinary media/social event (albeit very a very glamorous one, my favourite event to date actually) and all of a sudden James Blunt and his entire band rolls in. The drummer, Karl Brazil, struck up a convo by telling me I looked like some chick from British girl group, Girls Aloud. I wonder which one he meant...

Anyway ever since then we've stayed in touch and caught up whenever they're touring in Oz. So I've been to many a James Blunt concert and I can tell you now, their Some Kind Of Trouble tour is definitely the best yet. It may also have had something to do with being held at the State Theatre because that place is jaw-droppingly beautiful.

James has the most insane voice and it's utterly brilliant live. He covers all of the songs you've loved over the years including You're Beautiful, 1973, Wisemen, Goodbye My Lover (remember the film clip starring Mischa Barton in her "hot" days, yeah well the whole of the State Theatre was singing along) and more recently his impossible-to-be-sad-when-you-listen-to-this tune, Stay The Night. Plus there are some cracking new ones too. They're in Melbourne next so if you're down that way, grab a ticket if they're not already sold out.


I flew into Melbourne last Friday morning. Flying in on a Friday morning was kinda silly. You see, my friends aren't ladies who lunch, they have full time jobs and work 9-5, five days a week (Friday being one of said five). So I had to amuse myself for the day. I'm pretty easily amused. Anyway, I kicked off my Melbourne sojourn doing what the entirety of the female race would have done. I went to Chapel Street.

Now, everyone brags about Melbourne shopping and how great it is and how you find so many wonderful bargains and one-off pieces. But here's the problem, I don't do vintage. Insert gasp! I'm sorry but it just doesn't suit me! Some girls can spend $50 on an entire outfit that ends up looking just as good (if not better) than something I've pulled together for $500 plus! I just don't have the knack, so I'd rather not try and stick to what I know.

Anyway, my point here (yes, I have a point, I always have a point, it just usually takes me a while to get to it) is that because I don't do vintage, I usually end up buying labels I can purchase just as easily in Sydney. Fail. So after stepping into no more than a dozen boutiques, I stumbled across Sass & Bide and walked out with a pair of pants, a knit, and a dress. Entire shopping budget for the weekend = goneskis.

I had a work meeting scheduled in the afternoon which was to be held at The Langham. We sat and chatted in the ARIA bar and lounge over a high tea and it was A. Mazing.  The scones, chicken ribbon sandwiches and chocolate souffle were seriously ridic. 
Do it next time you're in town, for morning or afternoon tea. Or if you need to add some enjoyment to what would otherwise be a dull meeting. My meeting wasn't dull though, nuh uh. I'd tell you more but then I'd have to kill you. And about 500 people read this blog a day so that's be mass murder. Not cool.

That night my girlfriend Liz was taking me out to see some of the city's best bars. We started our journey at Gingerboy, ordering up shared dishes including the prawn and ginger dumplings with chinese red vinegar, crispy chilli salt cuttlefish with lemon and roasted sesame, and the steamed silken tofu with asian mushrooms and xo sauce. Delish. We washed that down with a bottle of pinot noir. This might be an opportune time for me to mention that I didn't used to be a red wine drinker. NOT because I didn't love the stuff (because I do), I just don't love the purple lips and teeth stains that come with it. But it's almost winter, and it was cold, and I was craving a red, so I just figured that Melbourne could put up with my berry stained face for one night. Long story short (rare for me) Liz tells me the lighter the red wine, the less it will stain, so pinot noir became my new best friend.

Next up was my request, a beautiful rooftop bar called Siglo. Legendary booze (specifically wine) connoisseur Stuart Gregor took me there once so I know it's good. Nowhere in Australia does rooftop bars like Melbourne. Seriously. I didn't get there this time 'round but Madame Brussels is a favourite rooftop spot too. Why aren't there more rooftop bars in Sydney? Hmm... I could be onto something... 
This is Liz and I, and our Amaretto Sours...

Sorry but the rest of the night was a bit of a blur. We ventured to The Toff for a cider. That was cool. Next up was Secret Garden in St Kilda. Pretty sweet there too. We took the opportunity to jump up on a coffee table here for some Beach Haus inspired antics. Fun times. That got me geared up for some d-floor action at Boutique. I'm sorry but I'm an 80s baby. ANYWHERE in Australia that plays 80s music gets a big tick in my little black book of fun. I had to drag Liz there, kicking and screaming. But she came, bless.

Onward to One Six One where downstairs reminded me very much of Ruby Rabbit ground floor in the good ol' days, before it was turned into a diner. This was where I smashed my head into the plate glass door. I swear it came out of nowhere! Nowhere I tell you! It was so bloody heavy and thick I'm surprised it left me standing. But it did. With a little egg on my forehead that Liz refused to acknowledge because she was too drunk to see straight. I made her feel it in the morning when I woke with a pounding headache.

I'm going to leave our last stop off the list because I do NOT recommend it, not unless you've had twenty pingas (then I'm sure it'd be awesome). Liz likes it because she likes "minimal" music. Spew. Give me Bieber any day. You can see the website HERE but it has no pics because pics would probably do it far too much justice.

On Saturday we went for breakky (does 1pm still count as breakfast?) at little place called The Lawson Grove Shop. I probably shouldn't be telling you about it 'cause it's one of those secret places with kick ass food that you can always get a table at. I was never great at keeping secrets. I ordered their equivalent of a big breakky which was yummo, but if you go for lunch you MUST MUST MUST order this fricken' orgasmic pork sandwich thingy...

I noticed a big trend in Melbourne too, red and navy plaid. Hmm awkward much?

After breakky/lunch/whatever you wanna call it, I had some more time to kill while Soph (on the left) had her hair did, so I raped my credit card once again and picked up some heels from Zomp, a belt from Scanlan & Theodore, and a top from Olrik.

After that it was time for my facial at The Lyall. It looked like a beautiful place to stay, but my visit was only 75 mins, bummer. The facial was bliss. What I remember of it anyway. I fell asleep about five minutes in and woke myself up flinching about half way through. There's something magical about facials and massages. You have someone's soft hands all over you and get to completely zone out. Reminds me of something else... G-rated! G-rated Sara! I was in a comatose state then so we ordered possibly the best baked ricotta gnocchi I have ever tasted from Rococo in Hawthorn, and ate in.

Sunday we went for lunch at Stokehouse in St Kilda. I'd been to dinner upstairs in the past but we opted for casual dining downstairs in the Beach Bar & Grill and it did not disappoint. We started with the softshell crab with chilli, garlic and salsa verde and also a carpaccio of salmon with capers. Both beaut. For mains 
I ordered the risotto of prawn and confit fennel and Liz ordered the lamb backstrap with zucchini scarpece and blasamic, but dish of the day went to Soph who ordered the pumpkin and amaretti tortellini with sage and burnt butter. I had major order envy. The menu should've said it was oversized tortellini because I order anything that's oversized. It's a novelty. Here's a pic...

After our late, long lunch we trekked off to Global Studios for a live episode of Dancing With The Stars. That was a lot of fun and even Liz, who is the furtherest thing from a commercial/mainstream/pop culture kid you could imagine, seemed to enjoy it (she'd never tell me otherwise though). I hit the hay early and before I knew it was waking up to my 6am alarm for a flight back to Syd. Don't worry Melbourne, I'll be back to eat more of your fine food and drink at another long list of your bars soon... 



Okay one last post for the day! And that will be the end of Fashion Week I promise!

But... I said it yesterday on twitter and now I want to scream it out loud... Fuck yeah fluro!!

There has been a LOT of it on the runway at RAFW and I couldn't be happier. There were accents of it at Camilla & Marc, my client Bless'ed Are The Meek featured it, and last night Josh Goot went gangbusters with it. THEN, Who What Wear Daily hits my inbox and voila!

As you can see below, I'm a huge fan of fluro from way back. This is a trend I will be embracing with wide open arms. This was at Shore Thing circa 2008...


Following on from my post about the discovery of Rosemount Botanicals, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek inside the Rosemount Bar at RAFW...

Sitting on the rooftop of the Overseas Passenger terminal, you can image the view too. The Opera House to one side, Circular Quay and The Rocks to the other. It's pretty spesh. And here's that darn incredible Sauvignon Blanc which I'm going to sneak in a glass of pre or post Bowie show this afternoon...

Top job by NAC and big thanks to the hospitable Simon Willis.


Also this week at RAFW, I went to check out Alex Perry

Alex is the King of, well, I'd like to say he's the King of haute couture in Australia but, as the fashion pack know, even though haute couture by definition is French for "high dressmaking" and the creation of high-quality custom-fitted clothing, it is actually a protected name by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and the French fashion industry governing body (the name of which I cannot pronounce) must officially enlist the design house if they're to be referred to as haute couture. They pretty much have to meet these standards:

  • Design made-to-order for private clients, with one or more fittings
  • Have an atelier in Paris that employs at least 15 people full-time
  • Each season (i.e. twice a year) present a collection to the Paris press, comprising of at least 35 looks for both daytime and evening wear

Anyway, that's a little off track but though you may find it interesting to know. Now, back to AP. His collection, Cuban Princess, was gorgeous. You wouldn't expect anything less. Here are some standout designs...

If the middle dress looks familiar that's because it was worn by Esther Anderson to the Logies last week. See the one to the right? They call it a cut away neckline but I call it reverse racerback. I love a racerback. Why? Because they suit girls (like me) with smaller busts. I find that they tend to enhance toned arms and I absolutely love a clearly defined and visible clavicle. That's your collar bone, in case you're wondering. I always loved the word clavicle in PE. There I go again...

With colours in the collection including tamale red, curacao blue, pomegranate, blood orange and pepper, it makes makes me want to drag a daybed poolside in the Caribbean and order a fruit platter and some delicious cocktails. Mmm... cocktails...

Ahem! Concentrate Sara. But it's so hard, it's Friday! Here are some more of my pretty faves...


Okay so my fashion client, Bless'ed Are The Meek (pronounced bless-ed), took to the runway at Rosemount Australian Fashion Week on Tuesday. It was their first RAFW appearance so they chose to show as part of the Ready To Wear group show. 

The collection, A Persian Lust, was killer. It's such an easy, wearable range (as are all of their collections) and they're stocked in David Jones so it's very accessible ladies! Here are a couple of looks from the show...

Our front row fans were Gracie Otto, Emma Booth, April Rose Pengilly, Annalise Braakensiek, Didier Cohen and Nacho Pop... all hot young things, very reflective of the label.

Kicking off the show was an incredible film by the very talented Alex Goddard and featuring one super stunning Avril Alexander. The show was also the first solo styled show for Creative Director Bex Sheers. Check it out HERE!

Bless'ed sent 15 looks down the runway with the final show-stopper being modelled by Alexander herself.

Pics by Tito Media



Okay, so I broke detox.

Yes, I am disappointed. Yes, I genuinely thought I was going to make it!

But hey, let's not dwell on the negative, let's focus on the positive here! And there is a positive, believe it or not. I found the World's Best Wine. To help explain how this came about, read the transcript of my thought process below...

Scene: Rosemount Bar at Fashion Week - meeting friends before a show
Day: Monday 2 May
Time: Approx. 11am
My thought process: Ohhhhh I see Rosemount has a new wine range, Botanicals. Pity the Sav Blanc is only available in that Botanical flavour. If you don't want the Botanicals Sauv Blanc you can opt for non-Botanicals Chardonnay. Yuck. Anyway, I'm on detox, woo!

Scene: Rosemount Bar at Fashion Week - after client's show
Day: Tuesday 3 May
Time: Approx. 5pm
My thought process: Amazing show! Now, time to write a post show release while my photographer loads the pics onto a USB for me. Screw the media room, that place is a shit fight! Hmm... the Rosemount Bar! [Heads off to Rosemount Bar. Pulls up a chair and table in the corner. Enter sexy bartender offering wine.] Ohhhh why not? I've been working hard. It'll take the edge off and help me write quicker. Hmm, Chardonnay? Yuck. I'll try the Botanicals Sauv Blanc. Mmm, delish! Sip slowly Sara! A drip feed is all you're getting, you're on detox!

Scene: Rosemount Bar at Fashion Week - missed a show
Day: Wednesday 4 May
Time: Approx. 4pm
My thought process: 
Damn it! Since when does Fashion Week run on time? 
It IS the end of the day. I HAVE been working hard. Lie. I've been in client meetings and shows all day. RUBY wants to stay. SHE has been working hard. WE deserve a drink. [Heads off to Rosemount Bar. Finds bunch of friends.  Bondi boys. And Juzzy. Love her.] 
Definitely staying, definitely having a drink. All I can think about is that Sauv Blanc. MUST. FIND. BOTANICALS. SAUV. BLANC. [One. Two. Three later.] Time to head back to Bondi, shower and rug up. Or should I go to Burrito and Revolver with everyone? 

Hahaha I was never good with temptation. BUT! I didn't go out. Thankfully, because everyone who did is in a world of pain today. Not me! Nuh uh! Winning!

Anyway, back to the little wonder potion! I googled it, and here's what I found...

"The floral and tropical aromas of this Botanical Sauvignon Blanc are lifted by a delicate lemon sensation and balanced by the spicy herbal influence of elderflower. A light and refreshing style with generous flavour and balanced sweetness on the palate."

I stole that from the Dan Murphy's website where it costs around $15 a pop.

My translation...

Rosemount Botanicals Sauvignon Blanc infused with lemon and elderflower is ridic. You'll find yourself at the bottom of the bottle within the hour because it tastes like lemonade and goes down just as easy (I blame that on the elderflower). It's chic, modern day Passion Pop. West Coast Coolers eat your heart out.

Try it, and thank me later.